Small Business Saturday Pop-Up Sale

Hello, Friends!

I’m sure you’re all running around like crazy, gathering recipes for Thanksgiving, shopping for supplies, and making travel plans. We’re doing a lot of the same, but we’re spending a quiet, cozy Thanksgiving at home. We like calm a quiet.

Know what else is calm and quiet? Skipping the chaos of Black Friday and shopping on Small Business Saturday. Even better, picking up a unique, handmade piece of modern quilling from my online pop-up shop! I’ve been spending a lot of time “playing with paper” and after a few people have expressed interest, decided to sell a few framed pieces. Haven’t heard of quilling before? Well, it’s a form of paper sculpture that consists of rolled, curved, and straight paper on a background. The pictures created can range from simple to ornate and each quiller has a style of their own. Here are a few examples of my pieces:

It’s fun to do, and fun to think about what project to take on next. If you’re interested in purchasing a piece for yourself or as a gift, here’s a link to the shop on Facebook and I’ll post on Instagram as well. 🙂

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